convert string into a table of letters

 say you have a few words in a sentence or a bunch of words in a line (could be a very long line - I think this requires there to be no "returns" or "new lines" to work). Say you wanted to create a table of all the letters and spaces. This is one way to achieve it.

Eg. Here are some words in a line. This might be displayed as a few lines because there are so many words, but there is no return or new line character.

  • Your words will sit inside a text DAT, or some form of DAT. Lets say it's in a select DAT called "select1"
  • Attach a Substitute DAT
  • In the before parameter field, toggle the python option and enter: op('select1').text
  • In the after field, enter : op('select1').text.replace("","/")[1:-1]
  • The first bit of code is just taking your original text.
  • The second is specifying what to replace, in our case it is putting a "/" after everything. The part in the square brackets is saying to start at the 1th letter and stop at the -1th (eg, 1 after the start and 1 before the end).
  • The resultant text would be something like - H/e/r/e/ /a/r/e/ /s/o/m/e/ /w/o....... etc.
  • Next attach a Convert DAT, set the "how" to Table
  • and set the "split cells at" to /
  • So first we've added the / after each character & space, then we split it using the /.
  • The table created will be a horizontal one - one row, many columns - it is likely that we want to have a table that is vertical - one column, many rows! For this we use the Transpose DAT
  • We finally have the vertical table, with one letter (or space) in each cell!
