creating local variables, eval dat, store, fetch, examine
To create a variable that exists at a level & for it's children, we use a text DAT. Inside the DAT, type: me.parent().setVar('variablename', 34) now when you right click the text DAT and select run-script, it creates a little table that contains the variable + value to access this, eg in the radius of a circle, type: me.var('variablename') the circle's radius parameter will now be 34. This variable can be accessed by any nested children by typing the me.var('variablename') code If you make a variable inside one of the children (lets say it's a Base), the parent will NOT be able to access it. If you want a variable to have a changing value, eg. driven by a slider or LFO, you need to use an evaluate dat and a table. Go into the base that contains your variables. inbetween the table & null, add your evaluate dat & connect a blank table as the 2nd input. Give the blank table the correct dimensions & then make sure to recreate the "n...